Call Us Today: 918-258-4789

Insurance Appraisal

1 Vehicle arrives
2 Vehicle is scheduled for insurance estimate
3 Insurance adjuster examines vehicles with estimator
4 Insurance adjuster accepts liability for repairs
5 Insurance adjuster provides estimates for repairs

Disassembly & Additional Parts Reports

6 Metal technician is scheduled for vehicle disassembly
7 Vehicle is disassembled
8 Any supplemental damage is reported to the insurance company
9 Any supplemental damage is approved by insurance adjuster
10 Customer is updated on estimated completion time

Parts Delivery

11 Initial parts order is generated
12 Parts are delivered
13 Metal technician is scheduled

Structural & Mechanical Repairs

14 Structural and body repairs are performed
15 Vehicles set up on frame machine and unibody repairs performed
16 Major suspension damage repaired for drive ability is necessary
17 Body parts are replaced and repaired
18 Customer is updated on status of their car

Prime & Paint Preparation

19 A paint preparation technician is scheduled for the vehicle
20 Priming, Sealing, and corrosion protection are applied
21 Repaired panels are washed and chemically treated
22 Vehicles prepped, primed and block sanded
23 Customer is updated on status

Paint & Buff

24 Vehicles is taped, bagged, and masked by painter
25 Vehicle undergoes a multi-step refinishing process in paint booth
26 Vehicle paint finish is forced-air-baked in booth
27 Vehicles goes to a buff technician to fine finish the painted surfaces
28 Customer is updated on the status and responsibility for payment verification

Trim & Final Mechanical Repairs

29 Metal technician is scheduled for trim and moldings
30 Trim and moldings are installed
31 Vehicle is rescheduled for any mechanical repairs
32 Any repairs to suspension or alignment are performed
33 Any repairs to air conditioning are preformed

Detail, Inspection & Test Drive

34 Vehicles goes to detail shop for wash and clean up
35 Vehicle is inspected
36 Vehicle is test driven — this is necessary
37 Any problems are corrected and re-inspected
38 Customer is notified of delivery date & method of payment verified

Repairs Completed

39 Estimator completes paperwork with insurance company
40 Customer provides payment including deductible
41 Customer picks up repaired vehicle
42 Customer is happy

Request a Free Estimate

2012 N Aspen Ave, Broken Arrow, OK 74012

(918) 258-4789
